dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010

Fogueres de Sant Joan

Hey all,

Okay, so I wasn't entirely sure what to put up here... but whilst looking stuff up I sorta found the Catalan equivalent of our bonfire night, and given that it's coming up I thought that would be rather appropriate. Anyway, it's called Fogueres de Sant Joan, or Bonfires of St. John, and is held at some time around the 24th of June in several towns around Spain, however it is particularly popular in the Catalan speaking areas.

Generally, people bring all sorts to burn, and there are many traditions, one of the more dangerous being that children and teenagers jump over fires...
They often celebrate with fireworks displays like us,
 and there are three different types of costume worn. The first costume is for the Queen of the festival, called the Beauty and she dresses like this :

Then there is a set costume for women called Labradora, and for men called Zaragüelles which unfortunately I cannot find pictures for. 

There are also big noisy parties that take place all night, and other events that take place over 3 or 4 days such as bull fights and street band parades.
Overall, it looks much more interesting than our bonfire night, which is generally rather cold, and more often than not raining. Good stuff.


La Rambla!

La Rambla is possibly the most cosmopolitan of Barcelona, with the greatest diversity of people; passers-by, shoppers, tourists, civil servants, comedians, pick-pockets, street musicians and living
statues. However, La Rambla was originally just a small stream flowing outside the city walls. In the 16th century a university and convents were built along the river, and in the 19th century the city wall was demolished and buildings were erected along the now dried up river. The name rambla refers to an intermittent water flow in both Catalan and Spanish, and is derived from the Arabic 'ramla' which means 'sandy riverbed'. 

La Rambla actually consists of 5 different streets, which is why it is also called Las Ramblas (Les Rambles in catalan). I like the story behind La Rambla de Canaletes. The name originates from the 19th century Canaleta fountain, and according to legends, if you drink from this fountain you will keep returning to Barcelona. There is also an expression tied to the fountain ‘He drinks water from Canaletes’ (or in catalan “qui beu de canaletes, torna a la ciutat”) means that person comes from Barcelona.

The Spanish poet Federico García Lorca once said that La Rambla was ‘the only street in the world that I wish would never end’, and I think many people today can understand why!

For more information: http://www.aviewoncities.com/barcelona/rambla.htm


Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky Cristina Barcelona és una pel lícula de comèdia romàntica escrita i dirigida per Woody Allen. La pel lícula està protagonitzada per Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson i Rebecca Hall. Dues dones nord-americanes, Vicky i Cristina va passar l'estiu a Barcelona i es va trobar amb un artista que se sent atret per tots dos. l'artista, Juan Antonio, se les arregla per seduir a les dones, tot i que Vicky està compromesa amb un altre home. Cristina i Juan viure junts i planegen casar-se a Espanya, però, es veuen afectats per l'ex dona d'Antonio, que està mental i emocionalment inestable. 

La pel lícula es va fer a Avilés, Barcelona.

ell és el remolc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39PuFOTjtk8&feature=related 


Roadside Prostitutes in Catalonia

I found an article this week about roadside prostitutes working in rural areas of Catalonia. They have been asked to wear fluorescent yellow jackets, or face a €40 fine. Police are saying that the prostitutes are creating danger on the public highway and that this is the reason for the fine, rather than that they are being targetted because of what they do. Some people think this is all a way of trying to get rid of them as there has been a recent legislation to ban prostitutes from selling sex in public urban areas.


dimarts, 26 d’octubre del 2010

Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal

 Rafael Nadal és un jugador de tennis de Palma de Mallorca. Va néixer a Manacor, una petita cuitat en Mallorca té 24 anys.El seu oncle va jugar futbol professional al FC Barcelona. Però el seu altre oncle és el seu entrenador. M'agrada molt Rafa perquè és una persona molt genuïna i lleial al seu país. 


dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010


Els castells son les torres humanes que es construeixen tradicionalment en
festivals arreu de Catalunya.

La tradició s'originà a Valls, prop de Tarragona, al sud de Catalunya, cap a finals del segle divuitè. Més tard es desenvolupà en altres regions de Catalunya i Mallorca i després de la prohibició de Franco s'han fet molt populars en altres regions d’Espanya. No obstant això, els castellers més traçuts són de Tarragona.

El lema de els castellers és: 
*Força, equilibri, valor i seny*

Per veure la construcció d'un castell...

To read something that makes sense in Catalan...


diumenge, 24 d’octubre del 2010

The EHL visits Catalunya

If you like, imagine this all in catalan but something tells me, that my catalan isn't up to writing a blog involving complicated gramatical compositions just yet.

Yes I know that I sound like a one track pony talking about hockey for ages, but I've found one way at least it's actually relevant!

The Euro Hockey League (EHL) has begun (as you all were aware... Just me?) the first half of the qualification round took place at some club in the Netherlands last weekend 15-17 October. The second half is next weekend (29 October- 1 November) and is being held at... Atlètic Terrassa!

The tournament is essentially a champions league of hockey, so the top teams from, England, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, France, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belgium, Belarus, Scotland and Ireland play against each other. Spain has 3 teams involved in the competition, Club De Campo, Atlètic Terrassa and RC de Polo de Barcelona with RC de Polo De Barcelona finishing 4th last year after a penalty shootout. Club de Campo was involved in the first round and finished top of their group, beating RC Bruxelles (Belgium) and drawing with Rot-Weiss Köln (Germany). RC de Polo de Barcelona face Kelburne HC (Ireland) and East Grinstead HC (England) whilst Atlètic Terrassa face CA Montrouge (France) and Beeston (England) over the three day weekend.

Involved in the teams are members of the spanish national team; Pau Quemada, Alex Fàbregas, Gabriel Dabanch, Manel Terrazza, Oriol Fàbregas, Sergi Enrique, Roc Oliva, Ándres Mir and Bosco Perez-Pla de Alvear.

 Further information is available at http://www.ehlhockey.tv/

I´m sure you will all watch with avid interest...


dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010

Albert Sánchez Piñol

Albert Sánchez Piñol  és un antropoleg i escriptor català que ha escrit obres tan conegudes com La pell freda(2002) o Pandora al Congo (2005).
In the summer I read  Albert Sánchez Piñol's novel La pell freda. It cought my eye because the book was translated from catalan not from spanish. The plot was unexpected and rather interesting.
Here you can see an article about Cold skin

dimarts, 19 d’octubre del 2010

La Castanyada

Es celebra la festa de La Castanyada en Catalunya el 31 d’octubre i el 1 de novembre (el dia de Tots Sants).   Hi ha nombroses tradicions que estan relacionades amb La Castanyada.  
La gent porta flors a les tombes dels seus parents difunts.  A més a més els catalans mengen les castanyes torrades, els moniatos i els panellets (pastissos de massapà).  La beguda tradicional és el vi dolç.
La festa té molt en comú amb el ‘Hallowe’en’ i les celebraciones tardorenques de la història pagana anglosaxona.  Però La Castanyada actual és més comercial, a l’igual del Halloween modern a Anglaterra i els Estats Units.  
Imatge de:
Les fontes i per a més informació:

Iain Candlish and David Lloyd

dijous, 14 d’octubre del 2010

Mapa polític