dissabte, 27 de febrer del 2010

Antoni Pitxot

Antoni Pitxot is a catalan artist born in Figueres in 1934. He started studying art and drawing in his teenage years and went on to exibit his works all over Spain in his twenties and thirties, winning many prized for his work. During the 1960s he began experimenting with surrealism, and a lot of his most famous work is from this era. He used to build sculptures using slate and stones and then paint them im oils.

His family was already acquainted with Salvador Dali before his birth, through his uncle Ramon who was also a painter, and the two became good friends. Pixtot co-designed the Dali-Theatre Museum with Dali, and became its' Director after Dali died. He is also a life patron and Vice-President of the Gala-Salvador Dali foundation.

Emma xx
(ps, i have more pictures of his work to upload but i dont know how to get them all in a line and its annoying me!!)

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