diumenge, 6 de desembre del 2009


Correfoc is one of the most extreme of the Catalan festivals. It involves 'trained professionals' dressing up as dimonis (demons) and setting off a series of spectacular fireworks whilst the crowd runs away/stands in the way and dances.

It translates literally as run away from fire. So you get the idea :) Correfoc is a joyous celebration. Few festivals can top the pure excitement and adrenaline rush that you get from loud explotions coupled with dancing a jig. (What is it with the Iberians and incredible danger?)

It's an odd celebration in so far as each town seems to celebrate it at a different time. The ins and outs however, roughly speaking, remain the same throughout Catalonia.

It is celebrated in the street. Most shops board up their windows to stop fire damage. Usually there is a percussion band hammering out the classic latin rhythms and basically you dance drink and avoid the demon with the firework strapped to a stick (they are similar to a Catherine wheel mounted horizontally, and the sticks are quite long so they are above your head) The whole town turns out women and children alike. The demons tour the centre of the town and the celebration ends in the town square. A huge Firework display often finishes off the occasion and the whole thing is very spectacular indeed.

They sure do win the award for most interesting celebrations, correfoc puts English Morris dancing to shame. We should have a Catalan version were the morrismen have rockets strapped to their feet :D

This is a correfoc that I went to in La Bisbal, it's not the biggest but it was still very scary ah tell thee!



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