dimecres, 23 de desembre del 2009

Bon Nadal!

Dear students,

Now that Christmas is around the corner, I would like to wish you all a

Bon Nadal i feliç 2010!

Here's a wee present that I hope will make you laugh: it's a video from Stephen Fry's QI programme, which featured a rather funny aspect of Catalan culture. Watch it by clicking here.

And here's the Christmas game: what word is Stephen Fry not pronouncing correctly? ;)

Que tingueu unes vacances fabuloses, i que torneu amb moltes forces per al segon semestre!


1 comentari:

  1. Isn't the word 'menja' pronounced incorrectly?
    Stephen Fry pronounces it with a Spanish sounding 'J' instead of the way we were taught to pronounce it ;]

    Christina x.
