dilluns, 4 de gener del 2010

Manuel Vazquez Montalban

Hi! feliç any nou!
For my next blog I'm going to write about the Catalan author Manuel Vazquez Montalban born in Barcelona (1939-2003). He also lived in Barcelona, he is known for being a journalist, novelist, a gourmet and a great Barcelona FC fan.
I came across his work when i got one of his books,"Offside" for christmas. The book features his creation Pepé Carvalho, a fast-living gourmet private detective. "Offside" tells the story of Jake Mortimer, Europena footballer of the year, bought by Barcelona FC, who soon recieves death threats when he joins the club. The book also tells about the dangerous underground gangster life of Barcelona. I've only read the first chapter so far but it's quite good and I think it'll be a good read. Montalban gives extensive descriptions of catalan cuisine, which i look forward to reading, Pan amb tomaquet was mentioned in the first paragraph.
Montalban has written many other novels starring Pepé Carvalho as well as various essays articles. Montalban won both the Spanish Planeta Prize and the French Grand Prix of Detective Fiction for his thrillers, which are translated into all major languages.
Thanks for reading, see you all soon, Freddy.

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