dilluns, 18 de gener del 2010

Barcelona to relive its dreams!!

I was reading many articles in the Spanish news, and I found this article about Barcelona's bid for 2022 Winter Olympics to relive its Olympic Dreams previously.

Barcelona's mayor Jordi Hereu made the announcement on 13th January 2010, saying the city is ready to host this spectacular event. He went on to say that 'Barcelona-Pyrenees' has become an official candidate with the Spanish Olympic Committee, who will decide in 2014, which Spanish city will host the games. The community of Aragon has also expressed interest in being a host city.

According to Hereu, "Barcelona has an excellent chance of winning the 2022 bid, which would see the city share the events with various ski resorts in Catalunya's Pyrenees."

Should Barcelona win the bid for the 2022 Winter Games, it would coincide with the 30th anniversary of the city's hosting of the 1992 Olympic Games, which was responsible for the huge transformation of the city's port area.

Barcelona's bid for the 2022 games was put together after Madrid lost out in its bid for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Sian xx

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