diumenge, 10 de gener del 2010

Let It Snow ...

It looks like that us Brits aren't the only ones who are experiencing freezing temperatures and frequent snow at the moment!

I've just been taking a look over several Catalan newspapers and a couple of sites, and it seems that a number of Catalan provinces have been affected by heavy snowfalls over the past week.

After strong flurries of snow, which have since acted as a 'freezer' very low temperatures have been recorded: -7.2 º Margalef (Priorat), -6,9 º in Prades (Baix Camp) and -6.2 º in the Panadella (Anoia)for example. According to the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC), the lowest temperature recorded so far has been in Vielha and Mijaran at -12.1 º. They still are a fair way away from Britain's lowest temperature though, the mercury has plunged to a bone-chilling -22.3C (-8.1F) in the Highland village of Altnaharra recently!

According to forecasts, over the next few days Catalunya is expected to see upto 10 inches of snow, with maximum gusts of 75 mph in Barcelona and Girona.

Just to show you the effect of the snow fall in Catalunya, I came across a recent story from Barcelona - a woman gave birth early this morning at the gates of the Clinique La Aliança de Lleida after snow caused severe delays. The snow hampered her movement in an ambulance from her home in Les Borges Blanques (Lleida) despite being escorted by Catalan Police and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in an SUV!

Young children have also been enjoying the snow. In the Catalunya region centred on Barcelona snow prevented 72 schools from reopening after the Christmas vacation, providing an extra day off for more than 16,000 children.

It's not a lot of fun for the adults though as more than a dozen main roads are closed across Catalunya because of the bad weather, especially in the regions of Tarragona and Girona.

It appears that Catalunya seems to be coping just as well as we are! ;]

Christina x.

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