divendres, 8 de gener del 2010

Ba ba da da da da!!.........

Of course, as the title suggests, i'm singing along to 'XL' a song by the pop-rock group 'Els Pets.'

So this is Catalan Music....what do you think? In my opinion this band is a little bit clichéd but it makes for easy listening. (Sorry if they're your favourite band Laia.) And you've got to hand in to them, of the four major 'Rock Català' groups of the early 90's, they are the only to have survived, outliving ‘Sopa de Cabra’, ‘Sau’ and ‘Sangtrait.’

They were formed in 1985 – in Constantí and the band makes up Lluís Gavalda, (singer/guitar)Joan Reig (drums) and Falin Cáceres (bass.) They name their genuine substyle 'Rock agrícola' (agricultural rock) as they formed as a protest against the popular music of the city.
Therefore, they began doing concerts in the surrounding villages, coinciding in many occasions with the local celebrations.

Their songs are inspired by everyday stories and are rich in melancholic yet life-affirming lyrics. For example the song about the chemical factories in El Tarragonès. It acts as a source of inspiration and a motive of environmental criticism in songs like 'Tarragona M'esborrona' (Tarragona horrifies me)

They've released 11 albums and are linked in the UK to bands such as The Jam.

If you get the chance, have a listen to 'No tornaràs.' It's probably their best - in my opinion.

Cheers, Jared

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