divendres, 4 de desembre del 2009

As I haven't wrote anything on here for a while...i thought i would do a short entry of MUSIC- i've probably done this before, but i really like music- thats the only reason!

Barcelona has many venues for live music of all genres. But I thought i would research two music festivals that take place in the city each year, Sonar Festival and Primavera Sound Festival.

Sonar runs for 3 days- normally in june. It is described as a festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art, mostly including the broadest genre of music- electronica. There have been international and also Spanish artists that have played this festival, including, Bjork, The Chemical Brothers and Pet Shop Boys, etc.

Primavera Sound Fesival
It normally takes place during May and June, at the Parc del Forum site in Barcelona. It is like Sonar Festival, having international and local artists playing, e.g from last years line up- Jarvis Cocker and Bloc Party.

These festivals seem to be the Leeds fest for Barcelona!!!
I think I will have to go at some point, and experience a festival that isn't muddy!! :)
Sian xx

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