divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

Afternoon! As i need to catch up loads here's my next blog already, decided to do it on another holiday destination because that's what i know best. This time i'm going to write about the town of Pollença and it's nearby port, port de Pollença, which is in the north-east of Mallorca.
The old town of Pollença is located a few miles away from the coast and is a 13th century town home to around 15,000 people. The main landmark and tourist spot of the town is the massive 365 step stairway which leads to a chappel and small cafe at the top as well as excellent views of the mallorcan landscape. Every easter the stairs and main sqaure are the location of the mock crucifixion of Jesus, in which somebody carries a huge wooden cross up the hill and then is crucifed, followed by an erie procession through the town centre. ALthough i was there around Easter time, I did not get to see this event. At the bottom of the stairs is the main square, La Plaça Major, which has many small cafes and bars around it. There is also a medievil church called the Esglèsia de Nostra Senyora dels Àngels and a small market area, selling mainly fresh fruit and veg outside and meat, fish and cheese inside.
The port, Port de Pollença, located on the coast in the more modernised tourist area, with sea-side cafes, bars, restaruants and big apartment blocks. There is a trail called the Pine Walk which runs along the coast, which is said to be worth a vist, given its name due to the numerous pine trees which grow beside it, dropping their needles onto the sandy path.
The port neighbours the great Cap de Formentor, a mountain peninsular which you can drive over to the other side.

That's about it

Cheers, Fred.

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