dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2009


For this post, I thought I would write about a place I have visited,Andorra, where Catalan is officially spoken, along with Spanish, French and Portuguese. Andorra is a small country in southwestern Europe, bordered with France and Spain- though most of you will know this!!
Some common facts about Andorra:
It has 10.2million (estimated) visitors per year.
It is a tax haven- meaning their taxes are set at a low rate.
It is not part of the EU.
It declared war on imperial Germany in World War 1, but didn't actually fight.
In 1933, France occupied Andorra.
Now Andorra is a parliamentary co-principality with the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell, Catalonia, Spain.
The current Prime Minister is Jaume Bartumeu of the Social Democratic Party (PS).
The responsibility of defending Andorra, currently lies with France and Spain.

These facts are the things that interest me most about Andorra. I have visited Andorra, but didn't know most of these facts before researching for this post! You should all go and visit Andorra now! :)

Thanks, Sian x

Facts found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorra
Picture found at: http://www.fotopaises.com/imagenes/ANDORRA/Andorra_Centro_Termal_Caldea.JPG

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