dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

Tots Sants i Fira de la Ratafia

After we've just celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night, i thought i'd look at some of Catalunya's biggest celebrations in November.

The first major festival is that of 'Tots Sants' or All Saints Day, this is not just restricted to Catalunya but is celebrated throughout the Western world. However, it is celebrated in Catalunya with people visiting the graves of those who have died to offer flowers, followed by a family lunch including seasonal foods like boniato (sweet potato) and castanyes (chestnuts) for dessert. Almond cakes called panellets are often eaten at this time to represent those prepared at funerals in ancient Spain.

The second is Fira de la Ratafia which takes place on the 24th and 25th of November in Besalu. It celebrates "Ratafia", a liquor that elaborated from green nuts. The main celebration of the festival is a traditional market in the main square of Besalu, to honor and present the local produce.

Steph xx

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