dijous, 19 de novembre del 2009

After talking about food and markets in class on Monday, I decided to research a bit into the different markets in Catalonia. The market that caught my eye was the ‘Mercat de la Boqueria’. There is so much recorded about this market that I thought I should look into it.
The Mercat de la Boqueria is one of Barcelona’s 40 markets, yet this is the biggest and most well-known. It spreads along ‘La Rambla’ from the ‘Plaza Catalunya’ to the port. It is open from 8am to 8pm every day except Sunday and is full of every food imaginable; typical Catalonian fruit and vegetables, seafood, meat, cheese and a variety of sweets and desserts. Cured meats are also very popular as well as regional sausages.
This market also specialises in ‘rovellons’ a type of mushroom, particular to Catalonia in the autumn. They are orange coloured and are called ‘rovellons’ because the word ‘rovell’ means the ‘inner part of an egg’. The price varies but the larger ones are usually cheaper than the smaller ones, as it’s more likely for worms to be harbouring in them!
Amidst all the market stalls there are also bars tapas restaurants and bakeries where you’re able to stop off and have a drink and something to eat if the market gets too much.
The Boqueria Market is a lot older than people think. The first mention of it dates back to 1217 and from December 1470, pig farmers started to sell their pigs there. At this time, the market had the name ‘Mercat de la Palla’ (Straw Market) and it was not enclosed like it is today. In 1826 the market was legally recognized and a convention was held in 1835 to decide the construction of an official place. In 1853, the official launch was made and in 1911, the new fish market was opened. In 1914, the metal roof that still exists today was constructed.
I think that visiting local markets is an excellent way of getting to know a new place, understanding a culture, seeing the different tastes of people, how much things cost and how people deal with one another.
Here's a link to a video which shows the typical hustle and bustle of the market.



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