Bon Dia!
I am of the opinion that a good blog entry is not necessarily a long one, so you'll be pleased to know there's no copied and
pasted articles from
wikipedia for you to wade your way through today
he he!
Dalí is probably one of the most famous artists of the 20
century so
I'm not going to write reams of
information about when was he born, when did he die and what did he do
in between, because, you probably already know.
I will however try and write a list of interesting facts about him, that you may or may not already know, which are hopefully enlightening and funny.
- As a young man Dali claimed to both Anarchist and Communist at times however he never seemed to have real conviction for any especially during the Spanish Civil War.
-Dali seemed to go in any direction the wind was blowing at the time. In his youth he may well have claimed to be an anarchist but as soon as Franco gets into power Dali suddenly becomes very pally with
Franco. Wise? or cowardly?
-well maybe wise, being an artist at that time he probably would have died if he didn't support the regime, look at what happened to
-However it is reported that Dali sent a telegram to Franco
praising him for signing the death
warrants of prisoners: too far??
-Dali also congratulated Franco for "clearing
Spain of Destructive forces"
-Can we blame him? Dali was a Catholic and the socialist rebels did reportedly killed over 7000 priests
-Dali lived in
France for 3 years but fled at the first sign of the war in
Europe, he was
criticised for this.
-regardless of anything else Dali was a true genius.
-"Salvador Dali is a good draughtsman and a disgusting human being. The one does not invalidate or, in a sense, affect the other." George Orwell
-Dali carried with him a leather rhinoceros and refused to sit upon anything else.
referred to himself in 3rd person all the time.
-Dali once said "Dali is immortal and will not die"
-Dali was killed by a fire in his house caused by an electric blanket.
-In the town where he lived during the later stages of his life,
Pubol, he would go out with a leopard on a chain and walk it like a dog.
- he was famous for saying "every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador
John x