dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2009

Manchester i la vida catalana

Quan vaig visitar (I visited) Manchester per primera vegada, vaig descobrir (I discovered) la Catalan Square. Aquest racó de ciutat em va fascinar (astonished me), sobretot perquè mai no havia pensat (I'd never thought) que hi hauria (there would be) connexions entre Manchester i la vida catalana. Per això vaig investigar (I did a little research) més i vaig descobrir que hi havia moltes similituds i paral·lelismes. Intentem de descobrir-les entre tots?
(Shall we all try and uncover them?)

Qualsevol informació serà ben rebuda! Més pistes a:

4 comentaris:

  1. Apparently Mick Hucknall owns the Barça bar? There was a Balearics festival a few months ago in Manchester as well which was really good (http://www.manchester-discover-majorca-menorca-ibiza-formentera.com/) There was free food and sangria and they put horse shows on as well.
    Can we go on a class trip to Catalan Square?!

  2. A reincarnation of the formerly derelict old Castlefield railway arches and the canal basin, Catalan Square is a fairly recent creation. The square is imaginatively conceived and overlooked by the café-bar. Located immediately beneath the railway arch, successful and ideally placed, it attracts large crowds, particularly on fine sunny summer weekends.

  3. I think he used to part-own it, maybe he got rid of it because of this : Simply Red singer Mick Hucknall has fallen foul of Spanish soccer giants Barcelona - who want to show the red card to the name of his Manchester bar.

    Lawyers for the pop star and FC Barcelona have clashed over his Barca café bar in the city's Castlefield district.

    The club claims "Barca" is a widely-used nickname for the side and his use of it for the venture infringes European trademark law. - BBC news.

  4. Is this one of the further links between Manchester and Catalonia?

