diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2009

Els Segadors...The national anthem of Catalonia

The Catalonia national anthem is a reflection of an original song which has its origin in the historical events of 1640, the war of the Catalans against King Philip IV, therefore the anthem has the characteristics of a fierce call to defend the freedom of the land. It is seen to unite people in favour of the survival of a nation which proclaims its full national character.
Els Segadors was declared the Catalan national anthem in 1993.The official sound recording was made and released in 1994.

Triumphant, Catalonia,
Will once again be rich and full!
We must not be the prey
Of those proud and arrogant invaders!
Let us swing the sickle!
Let us swing the sickle, defenders of our land!
Let us swing the sickle!
Now is the moment, oh reapers!
Now is the moment, to be alert!
Awaiting the arrival of another June
Let us sharpen our tools!
May our enemy tremble
On seeing our noble flag:
Just as we reap the golden corn,
May we also cut free of the chains!


Steph xx

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