diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009

One thing you always learn about when you study Spanish is the topic of bullfighting. So I wanted to see what Catalonia's view was. I found many articles that showed me that Catalonia was generally a region against bullfighting.

An article from The Telegraph in 2006: Catalonia's parliament is poised today to take the first step to abolishing bullfighting throughout the autonomous region in north-eastern Spain.

The campaign against what many see as a cruel and unnecessary part of Spanish culture has intensified in recent years, with the people of Catalonia at the forefront of the movement.

Barcelona, the capital of the region, declared itself "an anti-bullfighting city" two years ago following a series of public protests and a petition of more than 250,000 names.

Another 22 Catalan municipalities followed suit. Despite these public declarations the bullrings can be closed only by a change of the law, a process that ERC, the pro-independence party of the republican Left, will initiate today with a motion to amend existing animal cruelty legislation, from which bullfighting is currently exempt.

However the city does still have an impressive Bullfighting stadium : La Plaza de Toros Monumental de Barcelona is in the Eixample area of Barcelona. Designed in Neomudejar and Byzantine style by architect Ignasi Mas i Martorell the building was inaugurated in 1914 and originally called "El Sport."

In 1916 it was renamed to the current name "Monumental." It has a seating capacity of just under 20.000 spectators and with standing room in the arena until the Olympic games and the arrival of new and bigger arenas, the Bull Ring was one of the few places in Barcelona that could fit a crowd of 25.000.

Concert names like The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Bob Marley, Dire Straits and Bruce Springsteen have all performed at the Monumental.

There are still regular bull fights in Barcelona although Catalonia officially regards itself as being against the sport in General.

The Monumental bull ring is home to the Bullfighting Museum of Barcelona, which displays costumes of famous bullfighters, bulls' heads famous, historical documents and other items related to bullfighting.

Adeu for now!!


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