dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2009

Fashion in Barcelona

I have a massive interest in fashion, and thought it would be interesting to find out about Catalan fashion. Most people only recognise Milan, Paris and London as being the fashion capitals of the world, yet Barcelona is becoming more and more well known for its style and flair.

080 Barcelona Fashion is an element of the Catalan Fashion Action Plan 2007-2010. This is a project of the Government of Catalonia’s Ministry of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise. The Plan was set up to revive the almost extinct textile sector in Catalonia, while at the same time helping with the difficulties independent designers face in producing and marketing their collections. The plan intended to launch Barcelona onto the international stage of cutting-edge fashion, and it has succeeded.

One of the most famous fashion labels of Barcelona is Custo Barcelona. This was started by the brothers Custo and David Dalmau in 1981 who were inspired by the relaxed attitude of southern California. Their collection ranges from suits to swimwear, and it is the colours and the prints that attract people to their clothes. The look is bold and bright, and has a high appeal in international markets—they account for almost 85 percent of all company sales.

“First it was Hollywood, with the likes of Julia Roberts and Drew Barrymore seen sporting Custo T-shirts. Now they have taken over the world.”

Thanks, Chiara x


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