diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009


I was having a look through my pictures from the exchanges I've been on to Mataró, as I was originally going to write about the city, when I came across some rather beautiful beach pictures. So instead I'm going to tell you a little bit that I've found out about the town where they were taken, and of course the pictures will be at the bottom! (I'm getting kinda good at this technical stuff:).)

Llafranc is a small costal town on the Costa Brava. It belongs to the municipality of Palafrugell in the province of Girona. You can get a rough idea of where it is from the maps below. If you click on an image it will let you see a bigger version :).

With roughly 300 habitants it may be small but it seems to be a big tourist attraction and when you see the beaches I think you'll understand why!

After seeing these pictures I'm sure it'll come as no surprise that Llafranc is often referred to as the "Laguna Beach of Spain" and that a small house on the seafront could cost up to 4 million euros!

It's important to mention the famous Hotel Llafranch that dominates the seafront.

The hotel was opened in 1958 by three brothers; José, Mario and Manuel Bisbe. Since then it's developed into a prestigious hotel. Over the years many celebrities have visited the hotel including Rock Hudson, Sofia Loren, Paco de Lucía and Elizabeth Taylor.

Llafranc is a hidden gem of the Costa Brava and well worth a visit!

Becky x

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