dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2009

Ok here goes my first Blog entry ever...and looks like I am very late on doing so!!

When I went to Barcelona when I was younger it is fair to say I experienced little of the food but having read about the cuisine I wish I had done. There are some amazing sounding dishes:

Faves a la Catalana: typical vegetables of Catalonia cooking in a pot with various types of meats, like ham, black sausage and cansalada, vegetables and "bolets"(a kind of mushrooms). It is cooked and served preferably in pot of clay.

Simple dish based on eggplant and red pepper, flavoured with salt, olive oil and vinegar. Before preceding the preparation of the dish it is necessary to roast all the ingredients to strengthen its flavours.

Conill amb herbes al vi negre
( conejo con hierbas y vino tinto ): - rabbit with red wine and herbs: the rabbit is marinated in red wine and then cooked like a standard casserole with onions, bacon and, ideally, a pigs trotter for smooth. The final, and typically Catalan, addition of a bit of strong chocolate added at the end as a picada . Brandy is also added if wished but not flambéed.

Food is such a big part of life in Catalonia... I like this alot!


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