diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2009

La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia is an expiatory Roman Catholic church in Barcelona which has been under contruction since 1882 but still remains unfinished. It was originally the project of architect Francisco de Paula del Villar who was comissioned to build a church on the site however he resigned only a year later and so in 1883 Antoni Gaudí was commissioned to carry on the project (which he redesigned completely), and continued with the work until he died in 1926. I know Chris is our Gaudí expert so I was hoping this post would tie in quite nicely with his post.

Unfortunately, during the Civil War, construction was interrupted and parts of the building were destroyed meaning that most of the plans were lost. Work has continued on the church with architects trying to incorporate reconstructions of the old plans with modern adaptations. La Sagrada Familia is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the whole of Spain, drawing millions of tourists to Barcelona each year, and hopefully will be open for worship by the end of 2010, and furthermore all building work should be completed by 2025, if all goes to plan.

This was my first post (very late i know..) but I chose the Sagrada Familia because I think that it's a beautiful building, and although part of it's charm is that it is still under construction after all these years, it would be nice to see it finally completed.
Emma xx

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