dijous, 15 d’octubre del 2009

Guifré el Pilós (Wilfred the Hairy)

Well, after reading the storyboard in Monday’s lesson about Catalunya Nord, I thought that I would find out a bit more on Guifré el Pilós (Wilfred the Hairy) and his influence on Catalan culture.

Guifré el Pilós , commonly known in English as Wilfred the Hairy , was Count of Urgell (870–897), Cerdanya (870–897), Barcelona (878–897), Girona (878–897), Besalú (878–897), and Ausona (886–897). He was called the Hairy because, quite simply he was. One story tells that his mother recognised him on his return from a youthful exile in Flanders, as he had hair on a part of the body where it should not have been. Some sources suggest that it was the soles of his feet that were the unusual site.

As with so many historical figures, details of his birth are sketchy, and those we do have are of doubtful, traditional origins. What is known is that he was of Gothic descent, from the region of Carcassonne, born near Prades. His father was supposedly Wilfred of Arriaount, who was murdered, though later avenged by his son.

In the middle of the ninth century, Catalonia was recovering from Saracen and Frankish rule, growing and repopulating under the control of local counts whose power was given to them by the Carolingian empire. The empire was struggling to maintain control. The area was really controlled by individuals, local warlords who sought to help their own localities (comarques) to blossom. Intent on bringing independence to the area, and shaking off outside control, Count Guifré decided to take action.

Between the years 870 and 878, he (with his brother) fought against the resistance to his plans of independence. This done, he took up residence in the recently liberated city of Barcelona, built himself a grand palace and began to grow his political power. He integrated with the clergy. He set about a massive program of building churches and abbeys throughout the region. He had effective control over the whole of Catalonia. Beginning with himself as the Count of Barcelona, Guifré established hereditary titles (as above) Peace now truly reigned in the area - trade and economy blossomed, and the nobles supplied regular troops to defend ports and communication routes.

By 883 or 884, the Muslims became increasingly uneasy by the expansion of the Christian Counties to the north. The Muslim ruler Ismail ibn Musa ibn Qasi fortified Lleida in response. Provoked by this, Wilfred attacked Lleida and Ismail. The attack however was a disaster and Wilfred died in battle in 11th August 897. He was buried in the monastery at Ripoll.

One of the stranger legends surrounding him was the slaying of a dragon, brought to the Llobregat river by the Saracens. He attacked the beast with an oak branch, before finishing it off with lance and sword. In this way, he is associated with Saint George, patron saint of Catalonia.

The origin of the Catalan flag is also said to originate with the hairy hero - it is said that he was seriously wounded in the battle for Barcelona, and the Frankish king Louis the Pious visited him, and noticed his shield, covered in gold leaf. Keen to honouring him, the king dipped his fingers in Wilfred's blood and drew them across the shield, leaving four crimson stripes.
So, could it be said that Guifré el Pilós is really the hero of Catalonia? Although later over-run, he had established a united region and thus has risen as a figure of independence for Catalonia and an individual of importance for contemporary Catalan nationalists. Most importantly, he was called Wilfred the Hairy, and I think any man is deserved of the title of a ‘hero’ for putting up with that name!

Christina :]


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